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Conference program


April 20

Room 505, 9:30-10:00


Room 505, 10:00
Conference Opening

Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Anna Kachkaeva, Professor: Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design / School of Media
Iliya Kiriya, Deputy Dean: Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design


Room 505, 10:15-10:45
The Opening Speech

Michael Fedotov, Chairman of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation


Room 505, 10:45-12:00
Plenary Session

Phil Rose, Professor: McMaster University (Ontario), ex-President «The Media Ecology Association», Canada
Anna Kachkaeva, Professor: Media Department of National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russia
Tapio Varis, Professor emeritus, Unesco Chair in global e-learning, University of Tampere, Finland
Elena Lamberti, Professor: University of Bologna, Italy


Room 505, 12:00-13:00
Plenary Session

Jonatan Sanders, Professor: Stony Brook University, USA
Huyen Nguyen, Lecturer: University of Social Science and Humanities Vietnam National University (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietman
Irina Zhilavskaya, Head of Department UNESCO Chair of Media Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens at MSPU, Russia
Dr. Pichandy Chinnasamy. PhD, Professor: Communication Department of PSG College of Arts & Science
Dr. Boobalakrishnan Natrayan. PhD, Assistant Professor: Communication Department of VLB Janakiammal College of Arts & Science, India




Room 505, 14:00-15:30
The Problems of News Literacy Today

Moderator: Svetlana Shomova, HSE (Moscow)

Svetlana Shomova, HSE (Moscow)
The News: “Last Year's Snow” or “Extra-moral Value”? On Definitions and Metaphors in News Literacy

Kamilla Nigmatulina, Saint-Petersburg State University
Media Consumption as Reflection of Media Literacy in Russia

Anastasia Kazun, HSE (Moscow)
The Construction of Tragedies’ Images in Russian Mass-media

Irina Dushakova, RSUH (Moscow)
Competing Discourses on the Past of Moldova in Media Representation

Roman Zholud’, Voronezh State University
Viral Propaganda in Social Networks: to the Formulation of the Problem

Elena Klemenova, Ekaterina Kolomietz, RSUE (Rostov-on-Don)
About the Project “Guidelines for Working with Information for Sunday School Students”

Anna Ogorodnova, Electrotechnical University "LETI" (St. Petersburg)
Scandal as a Form of Professional Interaction in Media Policy

Nikolai Zykov, MSU (Moscow)
Transformation of the US Foreign-policy Broadcasting


Room 505, 14:00-15:30
Journalism, media critics and media education

Moderator: Ivan Pecishchev, Perm State National Research University

Roman Bakanov, Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University
Critical Thinking as Non-material Value (from the Experience of Teaching the Author's Special Course "Media Criticism")

Vasilisa Beinenson, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University
Development of Formats and Genres of Media Criticism in the Context of Multimedia

Olga Petrova, Tyumen State University
The Format of "Total Journalism" in the Media Education Project "Media Navigator"

Yulia Lyubanovskaya, Baltic Federal University
Media as a Collective Organizer: Causes and Scenarios of the Renaissance

Ivan Pecishchev, Perm State National Research University
Regional Journalism in the Era of Post-truth

Nadezhda Pomerantseva, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
Reporters Against Personal Data: Conflict of Interests in a Journalist on the Case of “The Spy Scandal” in the Information Agency Bloomberg


Room 505, 15.30-17.00
Culture and Media Education

Moderator: Anna Novikova, HSE (Moscow)

Anna Kotomina, Polytechnic Museum (Moscow)
Perspectives for the Application of AR, VR and MR Technologies in the Public Sphere-2017

Andrey Ignatov, HSE (Moscow)
The Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies in the Museum Sphere

Anna Novikova, HSE (Moscow)
Online Education in the Cultural Space

Ekaterina Shapinskaya, Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (RSUPESY&T) (Moscow)
Online Broadcasting in the Modern Cityscape: Transformation of the Cultural Form

Alexander Tsibulya, the State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg)
Network Ttrolling Strategies: Hashtag / Counterhashtag


Room 506, 15:30-17:00
Media Ecology as Way for Survival in Modern media Environment

Moderator: Varvara Chumakova, HSE (Moscow)

Iosif Dzyaloshinsky, HSE (Moscow), Marina Dzyaloshinskaya, Academy of Labor and Social Relations
Russian Media-audience 2016: Thematic and Content Interests

Oksana Moroz, RANEPA (Moscow)
Digital Literacy: from the Theory of New Critical Thinking to Practice Design Thinking 

Elena Bondarenko, VGIK (Moscow)
Media Ecology as a Strategy of Modern Education

Varvara Chumakova, HSE (Moscow)
Post-truth in the Post-Soviet Space and Information Overload: Research Perspectives

Olga Lukinova, The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Moscow)
Anonymous and Authorized Use of Social Networks.

Vladimir Sobkin, FGBU "Intuition of Education Management of RAO" (Moscow)
Teenager in Social Networks




Room 506, 17:15-18:45
Education and Media

Moderator: Iosif Dzyaloshinsky, HSE (Moscow)

Alexander Fedorov, Anastasia Levitskaya, Rostov State Economic University, Emma Camero (Russia - Spain)
Educational Programs on Media Education: Results of the International Expert Survey

Irina Fateeva, Moscow State Pedagogical University
At the Origins of the Ideas of "Critical Thinking" and "Media Literacy" in Russia: P.P. Blonsky (1884-1941)

Irina Kuzina, Valentina Mironycheva, National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University
Technologies of Media Education in the Information and Educational Environment of the School

Olga Fadeyeva, editor of the joint editorial board of scientific journals "Bulletin of Tyumen State University", Assiya Devyatkova, Tyumen State University
School-online in Regions with Severe Climatic Conditions: the Concept of a Media Portal for Secondary Education

Natalia Makarova, RSUH (Moscow)
Professional Identity of the Journalist and Educational Media: Opportunities and Perspectives

Irina Kalinina, Childern’s Center "Junior" (Novosibirsk)
Training Press Conferences for the Staff of School Media as a Project on Media Education


Room 506, 19:00-19:30
Night Lecture

Fake News in Real Context 
Paul Levinson, Professor: Fordham University, key researcher in media ecology, USA


Night Moscow Walks


April 21

Room 506, 11:00-17:00
Multimedia Space Show – the Relax Zone


Room 505, 10:00-13:30
Special event: "Animate" history, "domesticated" classics and museum "culture of participation"

Room 505, 10:00-11:15
Historical Serials in the Form of Social Networks and the Reviving Everyday life of the Past (Project 1917, Timebound)

Mikhail Zygar, author of the idea, founder and director of the project
Serafim Orekhanov, Senior Project Editor 1917
Mikhail Kazinik, co-author and main editor of the Timebound
Dmitry Golubovsky, managing editor of the Timebound

Room 505, 11:15-12:30
"Sensual Museum": Media Reality and "Expansion" of the museum
How does the visualization and language of new media affect the perception of the museum space? How do images, sounds, narratives create new hybrids of cultural values? How does "big data" and VR technology change the way art is presented? How visitors and museum space influence each other, how does this "dialogue" help develop a "culture of participation"?

Maya Stravinskaya, producer of the project "Museum. Spaces of attention », JSKT data group
Vladimir Spechenlenov, deputy director of Information Technologies of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin


Room 505, 12:30-13:30
"The Museum Involving." Transmediastoritelling and Museum Design in Teaching Students of Creative Specialties (digital projects for the Tolstoy Museum and the Small Museums of Tretyakov Gallery)

Fyokla Tolstaya,  TV and radio presenter, the Tolstoy Museum
Tatyana Gafar, Small museums of the Tretyakov Gallery
Anna Kachkayeva, HSE


Room 407, 11:00-15:00
Special Event: “MediaSpace and Enlightenment. How to See the Extraterrestrial and Tell about It»
Digital media constructs space, enlightening and mythologizing - we need to learn how to distinguish between "good" and "bad" popularization of science. Comprehension of the "media cosmos" requires media literacy. Why astrological data is aesthetized? Does the media space agenda reflect real directions in the research and exploration of outer space? How do media make astrophysicists and cosmonauts into the heroes of the new "global world" and the icon of mass culture? Astronomers, scientific journalists, space bloggers and media researchers will together look for answers to these intriguing questions.


Room 407, 11:00-12:00
Public Lecture «Visual Images of Space in Science, Mass Culture and Art»

Sergei Popov, an astrophysicist and popularizer of science. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientific reseracher of the State Inspectorate of the Moscow State University. Laureate of the All-Russian Prize "For Fidelity to Science" (2016).


Discussion "Popularization of Space Science and Industry in Russia: What is It and How It Should Be?"

Grigory Tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the live popular scientific magazine "The Cat of Schroedinger"
Maria Borucha, astronomer, lecturer of the St. Petersburg Planetarium, ex-employee of the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Mikhail Kotov, journalist of the department #Science on LiFE.ru
Ilya Ferapontov, scientific journalist, co-founder of the scientific editorial office of RIA Novosti, press secretary of RUSNANO, expert of RBC's Communication Laboratory

Moderator: Evgenia Nim, HSE




Room 505, 14:00–15:00
Panel Discussion «Exploring MediaSpace»
Moderator: Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, HSE (Moscow)


Evgenia Nim, HSE (Moscow)
Space in your smartphone: astroculture, media and everyday life

Denis Sivkov, Volgograd Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering, STAG (Karamzin Scholarship-2017)
Familiar places: meditation of exoplanets in the laboratory

Natalia Vereshchagina, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, STAGS (Karamzin Scholarship - 2017)
Aliens, guests, brothers, heroes: about media tactics of the representation of the landing of "Voskhod-2"

Sergei Mokhov, HSE Higher School of Economics, editor of the magazine "Archeology of Russian Death"
Cosmos as immortality: life and death in Soviet spacefuturism (on the basis of films from 1960-1970).

Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, HSE (Moscow)
Through the unattainable: the images of space in astrophotography and science fiction films of the 2010s


Room 505, 15:00-16:30
Special Event: «Overload is Over»: interactive game
Let’s dream together? The design of the future world - what is it? Can we effectively adapt to information overload? What devices can help us to manage the stimulus excess of the external environment in the future? Participants in the game will get acquainted with scientific approaches to the problem of information overload, and the technique of photo collage will help create prototypes of objects that do not exist yet, but which, perhaps, will become elements of our daily routine tomorrow.

Anna Paukova, HSE
Varvara Chumakova, HSE



April 22

Room 505, 10:00-12:00
Round table: "Illusion of objectivity", "naive realism" and the era of "post-truth": why is critical thinking important in the modern world?
How does the politics of "post-truth" support media opposition? How does the new state of the media environment change the relationship between the mass-media and society? What is the difference between propaganda and "fake news"? What is the psychology of "fake-news" and how do cognitive distortions influence the processes of information perception? Does fighting with fakes help to increase media literacy or provoke a total distrust to all media? What is rational fact-checking and reasonable media consumption? Why is the production of modern media important to consider in a moral and ethical context?

Alexey Kovalev, journalist, author and creator of the project "Lapshesnimalochnaya", ex-chief editor at InoSMI.ru
Denis Volkov, sociologist, Levada Center*
Vladimir Magun, Higher School of Economics, Institute of Sociology RAS
Galina Soldatova, PhD in Psychology, Professor of Psychology, Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of RAO, Director, Internet Development Fund
Mikhail Orlov, creative producer of TNT, founder of Internet TV Karamba TV
Roberto Pachivadze, General Director of the humorous public of the MDK

Moderator: Anna Kachkayeva, HSE (Moscow)


Room 505
11: 30-13: 00
A special event together with the "Journalist"
“Augmented Reality or Simulation: How do VR and 360-video technologies affect documenting and journalism?”
Immersive journalism is a new term that is used to designate activities at the junction of the journalist's profession and technology (primarily VR and 360-video). Such hybridization inevitably leads to the appearance of many questions:
• When is it appropriate to talk about journalism, and when about the attraction?
• When can you talk about "reality", and when about "simulation"?
• Where is "found", and where is "done": how is the objective reality correlated with the direction of the material?

Svetlana Klimkina, Head of the development and promotion of panoramic video content RT360
George Molodtsov, Program Director at the EMC VR FILM Festival
Ilya Korolev, Investment Manager, FRI

Moderator: Maxim Kornev, Associate Professor, RSUH, Expert MediaToolBox.ru


13: 00-13: 15
Coffee break


13:15-14: 30
International online project "Media navigator"
“Practical manual on medical literacy: teach with pleasure, learn with enthusiasm!”

Presentation: Maria Rzaeva, director of special projects of the Internet newspaper "Paper" (St. Petersburg)

With the participation of media experts: Alexander Amzin, MSU; Alexey Kovalev, Lapshesnimalochnaya; Ivan Pecishchev, Perm University; Anna Kachkayeva, HSE.


Closing of the Conference



* The list of participants of round tables and discussions can be specified

* Решением Минюста РФ Левада-Центр включён в реестр некоммерческих организаций, выполняющих функции иностранного агента.